Drive Awareness Towards Men’s Health

Movember is national awareness month for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer. No Shave November (also known as Movember) aims to raise money and awareness by encouraging men to grow mustaches (or facial hair in general) during the month of November.
Many others find a way to do this without simply growing facial hair, by setting up charity events or various fundraisers. A popular one is planning a golf tournament. Setup a tournament to raise awareness as well and show off your golf skills and have a great time while helping us raise money and awareness for men’s health issues!
Planning a golf tournament isn’t as hard as you think when you have the right help. Below is a quick guide to the golf tournament planning experience. BirdEase is your premier way of planning and organizing a golf tournament.
BirdEase: Golf Tournament Planning Experience
- Create your event with dates, times, and costs. You can even choose from our database of more than 18,000 PGA golf courses.
- Instantly set up your custom golf event website with on-line registration for players and sponsors. You will be able to accept on-line registrations and process payments by major credit cards or PayPal immediately.
- Identify your sponsorship opportunities. You will see examples of the most popular sponsorship types to ensure a successful fundraising or corporate event.
- Edit your home page copy to attract both players and sponsors to your event.
- Organize great event day activities including hole-in-one contests, putting contests and more.
- See the latest concepts in prizes and awards developed by successful tournament organizers.
- Upload your event logo or event photo quickly and easily to display on your home page.
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